
Sculptra® | Latisse® Hicksville NYSculptra® is an injectable product that corrects the signs of facial fat loss (lipoatrophy) by restoring lost volume in the skin. Lipoatrophy can result in sunken cheeks, indentations and hollow eyes. Injected into the deep dermis layer of the skin, Sculptra® provides a gradual and significant increase in skin thickness, improving the appearance of folds and sunken areas. Note that Sculptra® does not treat lipoatrophy, but it does compensate for its effects.

Sculptra's main component is an alpha hydroxy acid called poly-L-lactic acid, or PLLA. It is safe, synthetic (artificially created), biocompatible (can be used harmlessly in the body), biodegradable (able to be broken down in the body) and long-lasting. PLLA has been used for more than 20 years in many surgical products, including dissolvable sutures and soft tissue implants.

Candidates for Sculptra®

Sculptra is FDA-approved for the treatment of aging, wrinkled facial skin, and is considered safe and effective for most patients seeking to achieve a more youthful, natural-looking appearance with subtle, yet noticeable results. Sculptra should not be used in patients who have active skin infections or inflammation (swelling) in the area to be treated, or who are allergic to any of its ingredients.

Sculptra® Treatment

Sculptra® | Latisse® Hicksville NYAt your Sculptra® treatment session, you will be asked to remove any makeup, and the area of skin to be treated will be swabbed clean. You and your doctor will discuss whether to use a local or topical anesthetic to minimize any discomfort. Then, your doctor will administer Sculptra® in a series of injections with a very fine needle. Afterwards, you will be given an ice pack to reduce swelling. It is important to massage the treated area to ensure that the material is evenly distributed beneath the skin.

Results of Sculptra®

Sculptra's effects are not immediate. Improvement in skin volume occurs gradually.

More than one treatment may be necessary to achieve the best results. Patients with more severe lipoatrophy generally need additional injections. In your follow-up appointment a few weeks after your first Sculptra® session, your doctor will determine whether you need a touch-up treatment.


Full, natural-looking eyelashes can now be achieved through a prescription treatment called Latisse®. Latisse is the first and only eyelash treatment approved by the FDA to help grow longer, fuller and darker eyelashes and treat hypotrichosis, a condition that includes having inadequate or not enough eyelashes.

Latisse contains bimatoprost, an active ingredient that improves the appearance of your lashes and is often found in glaucoma medication. While the precise science of the treatment is not known, research suggests that the number of hairs and duration of the growth process are increased by bimatoprost.

This prescription medication is applied topically to the base of the eyelashes once a day, after makeup and contact lenses have been removed and any other skincare products have already been applied. While it does not replace mascara, Latisse offers an attractive complement to help further enhance full, long and beautiful lashes.

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